Program List

The number of (the)data : 4
  • Mystery
  • Entertainment
  • Mystery
  • Entertainment

99.9 Criminal Lawyer SPECIAL 2021: New Encounters

99.9—刑事専門弁護士— SPECIAL(2021)〜新たな出会い篇〜

Miyama is junior partner to Sada, who has just been named new director of the Madarame Law Office. When a party is held to announce the new director, the president of a major auto maker wants them to hire and train his granddaughter Honoka. A candidate for mayor needs their help clearing him of a bribery charges, which puts them up against a suave bribery lawyer accustomed to operating in “gray” legal territory. Can Miyama and company stay focused on finding truth and justice?

변호사 미야마가 근무하는 마다라메 법률사무소는 사다가 소장을 맡게 되었다.
그의 취임 파티에서 대기업 자동차 회사의 회장 와카쓰키는 신임 변호사인 손녀 고노를
마다라메 법률사무소에서 키워달라며 사다에게 부탁한다.
그런 어느 날, 정치가의 뇌물사건 변호 의뢰가 들어온다.
차기 시장 후보로 주목받는 오카베 야스유키가 뇌물을 받은 것으로 체포되었지만 오카베는
혐의를 부인하고 있었다.
미야마와 사다는 쓰부라야의 변호를 담당하고 있던 나구모와 이야기를 나누러 찾아가지만
온후한 얼굴 뒤에 숨겨진 불투명한 변호 수법을 감지하고 경계한다.
과연 미야마는 진실을 찾아낼 수 있을까!?


  • Mystery
  • Mystery

12 Suicidal Teens


12 teenagers show up at an abandoned hospital. As prescribed, they enter the building, open safe containing, take one of numbered tags from 1 to 12, and head to a "designated place". None of them have ever met before, but all of them in despair with their lives and come up with one common goal: to euthanize themselves. But upon arrival in the room, they find that one young man is already occupying on one of the 12 prepared beds.

Who is he? Was it a suicide? Was it murder? Should they proceed anyway? And is there a murderer amongst them?

According to the preset rules of the gathering, the members must take a vote and unanimously agree to proceed. But the unexpected turn of events compels them to hold a discussion and assess each other to solve the mystery before they can go ahead with their original plan.

In the process, however, the reasons for each of them choosing to die come to light, leading to a final decision. The question is: What is the real purpose of the gathering?


  • Comedy
  • Comedy

Temp Staff Psychic Ataru


A bright and positive comedy featuring Atall(Ataru), a female temp-staff working for an event organizing company with psychic power to see through people’s minds!

She always works with a pleasant smile while many of the full-time employees around her are suffering from various worries and anxieties. In fact, Atall (Ataru) has a special ability that shows her the inmost mental imagery and troubles of those around her. And she (Ataru) becomes their soul savior as she solves their problems using her psychic power. Through her positive fortune telling, the lives of the colleagues around her make a positive turn.

Worries, troubles and conflicts that are abundant in any office situation are focused on here and the way to a happier hopeful future is suggested through Atall (Atari). A refreshing and energizing office comedy drama!

  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • School
  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • School

Boys Over Flowers Season 2

花のち晴れ~花男 Next season~

The massive hit comic Boys Over Flowers returns with a brand new chapter and television drama Season 2. Ten years have passed since the legendary boy foursome, F4, graduated from the elite Eitoku Academy Senior High School. A new generation has risen including sophomore, Oto Edogawa, who has recently seen her life completely overturned by the bankruptcy of her father’s blue chip cosmetics company. She now lives in near poverty with her mother, but tries to hide it from her Eitoku Academy classmates. Meanwhile, big man on campus, Haruto Kaguragi, scion of the much-revered Kaguragi Holdings has formed the C5 group in a bid to emulate his hero, Domyoji of F4, but he’s on a mission to purge the school of “commoners” who can’t pay their school donations to leave the school as unfit to attend. Oto is engaged to marry Tenma Hase, a student of Eitoku’s rival school, Momono Academy. But Hase’s stepmother insists that Oto attend Eitoku until she turns 18, making her even more determined to hide the fact that she has been reduced to a “mere commoner” among society’s elite families in this spirited spring-of-youth fable.

대히트 코믹만화「꽃보다 남자」의 새장이 될「꽃보다 맑음 ~ 꽃남Next Season~」
전설의 F4졸업으로부터 10년후, 예전의 영광을 잃어가는 명문학교 에이토쿠학원의 고교2학년 에도가와 오토는 아버지가 경영하던 대기업화장품회사가 도산하면서 생활이 바뀐다. 어머니와 함께 어렵게 살면서 가난을 숨기고 학교를 다니고 있었다.
한편, 에토쿠학원에 카리스마로 숭배되고 있는 카구라키 홀딩스의 재벌2세・ 카구라기 하루토는 F4의 도묘지를 동경하여 C5를 결성하고「학원에 기부금을 내지 못하는 서 민은 에토쿠학원에 어울리지 않는다」며 학생을 퇴학시키는“서민사냥”을 실시한다.
오토는 에토쿠학원의 라이벌교인 모모노조노학원에 다니는 하세 텐마라는 약혼자가 있 었다. 텐마의 계모는「오토가 18살이 될때까지 에토쿠학원에 다닐것」을 결혼조건으로 내세우고, 오토는 무슨 수를 써서라도“숨겨진 서민”임을 절대 알려서는 안된다.
통쾌한 청춘러브스토리.

原作是大受歡迎的「流星花園」漫畫續集「花過天晴~花男Next Season~」。